Northwest Indigenous Council


Off-Reserve First Nations, Inuit & Métis Peoples

Did you know 78% of Indigenous Peoples live off-reserve

Estimated 1,000,000Indigenous population growth by 2036

North West Indigenous Council, Indigenous advocacy, self government, Indigenous rights, UNDRIP, Governance, Land acknowledgement, Sovereignty, Indigenous leadership.

About the NorthWest Indigenous Council

WThe NorthWest Indigenous Council looks to connect to the process of self –determination and Indigenous Nation building and works with Indigenous Nations by respecting the territories in which they live.

The NorthWest Indigenous Council uses the Social Determinants of Health lens as we seek systems change from segregated silos and a competitive relationship model and supports a placed based model of working in partnership with neighbourhood organizations to provide affective and relevant services to Indigenous citizens living off–reserve.

We have the power to impact our FUTUREand we're doing something about it

makeyour voiceheard

Become a member

Why you should join

The NorthWest Indigenous Council is an organization where you can work alongside other urban and rural Indigenous peoples to ensure you have a legitimized voice and a place at the table to ensure your rights and aspirations are brought to important discussion in your neighbourhoods, cities, villages and the evolving Nation to Nation discourse.

The NorthWest Indigenous Council’s governance includes an Annual General Meeting that takes place typically in late fall or early winter, where all are welcome.

As a young organization, the NorthWest Indigenous Council has a volunteer working board with little operational funding. The Board of Directors is elected by, and accountable to, the organization’s membership.

The NorthWest Indigenous Council hosts quarterly Board of Director meetings to identify priorities and develop a strategy moving forward on numerous key issues impacting the people the NorthWest Indigenous Council seeks to advocate for.